The Anglican Church for Arnhem and Nijmegen is an international, English speaking Church with weekly services and other activities in English.
We normally celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. All baptised Christians who receive communion in their own churches are welcome to receive the sacrament with us.
Nijmegen – 11:00am morning service
Kruispuntkerk (Roman Catholic Church)
Van Hogendorpstraat 126, 6535 VC, Nijmegen
Arnhem – 5:00pm afternoon service
St. Willibrord’s Church (Old Catholic Church)
Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan 3a, 6824 AM, Arnhem
Click for the list of Forthcoming services
In Lent, Holy Week, at Easter, in Advent and at Christmas time there are special services, including the traditional 9 Lessons and Carols Service.
Click Where to find us for an area map

St. Willibrorduskerk, Arnhem