Our Arnhem-Nijmegen Chaplaincy depends fully on those who support us through donations and planned giving.
Below is a summary of ways in which we would encourage you to give, several of which can also provide tax advantages to those who pay Dutch income tax. Our church is registered as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) which means that your donations to our church are tax deductible.
Please consider the following options:
1) Donations via your bank. These are tax deductible. Our bank account: Arnhem-Nijmegen Chaplaincy, IBAN: NL51 ABNA 0534410472
2) You can give in the offering on Sunday; if you do this in cash, it is not tax deductible. If you would like to donate in the offering and still enjoy tax deduction, you can buy collection tickets from your treasurer through a bank transfer.
3) Legal Covenant: Making a legal covenant (a notarized guarantee) to contribute a specified amount during a specified period (a minimum of five year). This is good option if your tax-deductible giving is already the maximum of 11% of your income, as this notarized Legal Covenant is tax deductible on top of the deduction you are already entitled to.
4) Legacy: Please do also consider including us as a beneficiary of your last will and testament.
For more detailed information on giving to our church and our current financial needs please contact our Treasurer: treasurer (a) arnhemnijmegenchaplaincy.nl
Our bank account: Arnhem-Nijmegen Chaplaincy, IBAN: NL51 ABNA 0534410472