1. Name: Arnhem-Nijmegen Chaplaincy

2. Constitutional position
Church in the Archdeaconry of North-West Europe/Anglican Church in The Netherlands, It is governed by the ecclesiastical law of the Church of England and constitution and rules of the Diocese in Europe, and the constitution of the Arnhem-Nijmegen Chaplaincy.

3. RSIN: 824152463 (KvK number: 94474621).

4. URL/website address:

5. Email address and telephone number: To contact us by email, please use the ‘contact page’ on this website. Telephone: Monique Wardle +31 316-524987

6. Visiting address with postal code:
• Kruispunt Kerk, Van Hogendorpstraat 126, 6535 VC Nijmegen
• St. Willibrord’s Church, Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan 3a, 6824 AM Arnhem

7. Postal address: c/o Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan 3a, 6824 AM Arnhem

8. Church officers: Two Church Wardens, Council Secretary, Treasurer, plus three further council members and two arch deaconry representatives.

9. Salaries policy: The church shall have such stipendiary clergy and other ministers as is agreed between the Bishop and the church council. Their stipends shall be determined in accordance with or on the basis of stipulations made by, on behalf or with the concurrence with the Bishop. Neither stipendiary or salaried staff, nor volunteer officers or councillors, will receive any remuneration or other financial compensation, however named, in respect of their work in governing the church; and such activities shall not be deemed to establish any claim to tax exemption or tax-exempt payments. Exceptional expenses may be compensated financially only to the maximum nominal amount.

10. Policy plan: The national policy plan is to be found at the website of the Archdeaconry: The church policy plan is under development and in the meantime we aspire to follow national church policy.

Our local policy
• Our policy is to serve the English-speaking community in Arnhem and Nijmegen and the surrounding areas by providing church services in English. Following the Anglican tradition, our worship embraces evangelical, tradional, anglo-catholic and modern liturgy.
• We welcome people of other nationalities and other Christian denominations.
• We maintain strong ecumenical relationships.
• As a congregation, we aim to live our lives following the example of Christ, endeavouring thereby to be a light in the world, reflecting the love of God to those around us.
• We seek to support one another, through relationships of trust and learning:
– to attain strengthened faith and a deeper understanding and experience of spiritual matters;
– to help each one to realise and develop their own individual gifts;
– to maintain opportunities for Bible study and for prayer together.
• We care for the sick, the housebound and those in distress. We endeavour to extend our compassion and service to others in the community, where it is needed, as well as to those in our congregation.
• We endeavour to use our time, money and abilities responsibly in order to build up the Body of Christ.
• We aim to keep our members up to date with news of services, other events and items of interest. This is also the means by which we keep in touch with former members of the congregation who are to be found in many countries throughout the world, and with overseas students, many of whom still see our church as a spiritual home, with which they desire to maintain links. We continue to support them in prayer.

11. Objective: The purpose of the chaplaincy is the provision of facilities for Anglican worship and the furtherance of Christian living for all English speaking people in Arnhem and Nijmegen and surrounding areas.

12. Activities over the past year: The Anglican Church for Arnhem and Nijmegen holds a range of social events including:
• Weekly services held in the two Arnhem and Nijmegen church bases. Maintaining the continuance of these services during a period of interregnum. Nurturing new and existing members.
• As a church family we aspire to provide pastoral care to our church members, when necessary.
• Online study and/or prayer groups meet regularly.
• We maintain regular ecumenical contact and are members of the Councils of Churches in Arnhem and Nijmegen.
• We hold bring and share meals in Nijmegen, and other social occasions which are connected with church festivals.

13. & 14. Statement of income and expenses and statement of budgeted disbursements in the coming year