Prayer Diary

January 11-24, 2025

  • Sat. 11th: Pray for our own town or village, calling to mind specific local issues.
  • Sun. 12th: Pray for our services today and in particular for our chaplain, Revd. Wim.
  • Mon. 13th: Give thanks for the natural world around us, and pray that we may become better stewards of the planet.
  • Tues. 14th: Pray for a clearer understanding of the teaching of Jesus in the Bible.
  • Wed. 15th: Pray for the local authorities in which we live, that they may be sensibly
  • Thur. 16th: Give thanks for the fine health care that is normally available to us.
  • Fri. 17th: Pray for the New Arrivals Group, that it may grow and prosper.
  • Sat. 18th: Pray for our Bishops Robert and Alison, that God may continue to guide and support them in their task.
  • Sun. 19th: Pray for our services today and for the children in our congregations.
  • Mon. 20th: Give thanks for our online Newsletter and all the work that goes into producing it every fortnight.
  • Tues. 21st: Pray for those in our congregation who are unable to come to our services any more, that they will be neither forgotten nor neglected.
  • Wed. 22nd: Pray for the terminally ill, for strengthened faith, and for wise and compassionate care.
  • Thur. 23rd: Pray for those with problems related to their work.
  • Fri. 24th: Give thanks for our political leaders, that they may act with wisdom and